The Tarot Card of The Day (COTD) for Friday, March 12th, 2021 is The Universe Card (World)!...The Day-Energy is "3" (part of the Creativity Numbers Group 3, 6, 9), and the Date-Energy is "11/2" (part of the Business Numbers Group 2, 4, 8), and The Universe (World) card in Tarot is a "3" Energy!

Dax's Daily Dose of Tarot and Numerology!

In the Lllewellyn Deck version of The Universe card, called The World in other decks, the scene depicts a rocky, snow-covered mountain - Cadair Idris, at the southern end of the Snowdonia National Park in the historic county of Meirionnydd, Wales.

Cadair Idris means "Chair of Idris", from the giant warrior poet of Welsh legend who is said to have created his seat to view the heavens from this lofty point.

Others claim that Cadair Idris is the hunting ground of Gwyn ap Nudd, lord of the Celtic Underworld Annwn, who is escorted by a pack of supernatural red-eared hounds that herd a person’s soul into the underworld… As seen in the Death card, from yesterday's COTD!

The mountain ridges form a triangular "V" shape, revealing a dark body of water (our subconscious). I see in the "V" shape as The Womb of The Universe, from which all things are created! Above a starry night sky ("The Universe") peers down on the scene. 

The androgynous World Dancer figure, from the Waite/Smith version of the Card, appears here on the right, as part of the snowy landscape.

The Universe (World) is Card 21 (21 = 2 + 1 = 3), so the "3" Energy, of Creativity and Communication. It is a Card of Endings and Beginnings (the same "theme" running through the last few days), Success & Completion, Fulfilment...

In the Waite/Smith Deck version of the Card, The World Dancer appears in the center, holding two wands. Like The Magician, only the Dancer has two, showing the attainment of Enlightment, complete mastery over Life and Manifestation.

A wreath of Success encircles the Dancer. It is a doorway to the next big cycle. Surrounding the wreath are our guides from the zodiac, the four fixed signs of Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio (A lion, bull, man/angel, and eagle), similar to the Wheel of Fortune card...

They are symbolic of the Four Corners of The Universe, the Four Seasons, the Four Elements, the Four Suits of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot, the Four Compass Points/Cardinal Directions. Both The Universe (World) and Wheel of Fortune cards speak to the Cycles of Life.

The Day is a "3" Energy (12 = 1 + 2 = 3) ...Creativity and CommunicationThe entire Date: 03-12-2021 reduces to a "11/2" Energy (3+1+2+2+2+1 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2) ...Two is Relationships, Partnerships, Cooperation, Mediation. The Master Illuminator Number "11" Energy is also present, like yesterday.

Today is a Day to embrace the "3" Energy of Creativity and Communication. You will be successful in any creative project, especially ones that use your skills and knowledge in the service of others....

The Universe Card, from the Llewellyn Tarot Deck


Bright Blessings!
~ Dax

Do you have Life Questions? Need some Insight? Right now, you can Book a Private Tarot & Life Coaching Session with me for Just $67! (reg. $97) ...Which includes your Full Custom Numerology Chart & Report! ...Visit my Page at:

 ...If you haven't already done so, be sure to check out our:
21 Ways to Create a GREAT Year in 2021!


Dax is the Founder & President of The Tarot Guild (Now in Our *19th Year!), and the creator of the Tarot by The Numbers™ Course! He's is also the Co-Host of the "Tarot Today LIVE!" Video Stream & Psychic Talk Radio Simulcast, with Mary Brown - Airing Saturdays! ...Over the past 30+ years, Dax has helped literally tens of thousands of Clients as a Tarot Advisor, Numerologist, Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

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