The Five-Vibration has been with us the last few days, as you have seen in my Tarot & Numberology of The Day Articles ( These last few days may have been chaotic for you somewhat. 

8964135289?profile=RESIZE_180x180Good NEWS! The 5-Energy has subsided, and we have returned to Balance and Harmony with the Six-Vibration of today! (24 = 2 + 4 = 6)

Alternatively, you may have taken my advice the last few days and tapped into the Adventurous Spirit of the 5-Energy, and you have had a lot of Fun! ....or you may have tapped into that High-Energy, and accomplished a lot recently!

In either case, it's time for a much needed and perhaps deserved Break! This is what the "Card of The Day", The Four of Swords is letting us know!

Swords represent the Air Element in Tarot, and are about Thoughts and Ideas. It's time for you to calm your mind today! 

We all need to know when it's time to recuperate! Calming your mind will allow time for your thoughts and ideas to gel and mature. We need a re-charge, now and then, to help us maintain Focus and stay motivated!

The Six-Vibration of the DAY today, is a return to Harmony and Balance, after the Changes (and possible Chaos) of the Number Five. It is about Hearth & HomeLoveFamily., and also Success! It's from the Creativity Numbers sub-group in Numerology, 3 - 6 - 9.

8964149497?profile=RESIZE_180x180Working the Six-Energy in the positive, it can be Romantic, Supportive, and Protective ...but can also be Passive, Self-Sacrificing, and Idealistic. You can make the Choice to work with this Vibration in the positive, to its fullest extent!

Likewise, the Four-Vibration of the Four of Swords, is a Number that seeks Security, and Home is their haven. It's about structure, plans and foundations, from the Business Sub-Group of Numbers 24 and 8

It is a Number of dependability & patience. like the 6-Energy, and is about persistence, pragmatism, patriotism, practicality, and organization name a few.

The whole DATE reduces to (05242021 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7) the Seven-VibrationSeven is from the Mind Numbers Sub-Group 15 and 7.

8964244253?profile=RESIZE_180x180Seven is deep, introspective, intuitive, private, reclusive, secret, separate, distant, and indifferent to the outer world of phenomena but not to the inner worlds of secrecy, intrigue, hidden mysteries. 

Seven is highly analytical, inquisitive, perfection-seeking, and often critical. But this is not the time to be self-critical.

All the Numerology of The Day, as well as the Card of the Day, are pointing to rest, and "getting out of your head" for a while.

This could mean tapping into your Emotions and Feelings, and just spending some time with friends and family (6-Energy), or at home, with a good book! ...Or you could shift your thoughts to other things. Tap into your curiosity (7-Vibration) and study something new!

You could get back to, or start, that geneology project you've always wanted to do, take a course on something you've always been interested in, or study something that will build up your Skills & Abilities in regards to the project you are taking a break from today.....

Bright Blessings!
~ Dax

Do you have Life Questions? Need some Insight? Right now, you can Book a Private Tarot & Life Coaching Session with me for Just $67! (reg. $97) ...Which includes Your Life Path NumberAttitude Number and Personal Year Numerology! ...Visit my Page at: 

Want learn Tarot (and Numerology)? Check out our awesome "Combo Deal" for Our Course! ...Already a Professional Reader? We have a great "Combo Deal" on CTR - Tarot Reader Certification and Professional Membership in The Guild right now as well! Check them both out here:


Dax is the Founder & President of The Tarot Guild (Now in Our *19th Year!), and the creator of the Tarot by The Numbers™ Course! He's is also the Co-Host of the "Tarot Today LIVE!" Video Stream & Psychic Talk Radio Simulcast, with Mary Brown - Airing Saturdays! ...Over the past 30+ years, Dax has helped literally tens of thousands of Clients as a Tarot Advisor, Numerologist, Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

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