COTD = The Four of Cups
DATE = 12-20-2020 = 9
DAY = 20 = 2 + 0 = 2

In the Numerology for today, we have a DATE that reduces to the 9-Energy. We had this same Energy on Friday, the 18th, so it's continuing through this weekend. The End of a Cycle - A time to re-evaluate, a time of contemplation, meditation, and Letting Go of what no longer serves us....

The DAY Energy today is "2". Two is about Relationships, Partnerships, and communication & cooperation between them. 

8279878679?profile=RESIZE_400xThe Tarot Card of The Day (COTD) is The Four of Cups! .....Which is also about re-evaluation, comtemplation, meditation well as dissatisfaction, trouble in paradise, feeling stuck in a rut.

As you are re-evaluating today, and looking at what to Let Go Of, pay particular attention to your Relationships. When we are "cleaning out the closests" (literally and figuratively), we often forget about or purposely skip over relationships.

This can Family and loved ones, close friends, acquaintances, business partners, co-workers, and so on....

This is particularly important, as we approach a New Year, when you are going to have new Goals and Plans. What relationships in your Life support your Goals? What relationships do not?

As difficult as it may seem, you need to be willing to let go of relationships that are toxic, no longer serve you, or are going to come between you and your Goals for 2021. This may mean completely cutting off some relationships, or at least distancing yourself from others.

Take a Gut Check! You intuitively know who you can discuss your Plans and Goals with, and find support, and who you cannot. Some folks in your Life are going to consciously want the best for you, but subconsciously they are afraid of loosing you.

As crazy at that may sound, at least subconsciously, they think if you change too much, become too successful, attain certain Goals, or release certain bad habits (which you may engage in together with them) this may happen. It's just human nature.

Don't bring up your Goals around these folks, or you may even have to distance yourself. If the relationship is very toxic, you may have to cut them off completely, as hard as that may seem. 

Typically, with Goals such as releasing bad habits (such as smoking), or committing to good ones (such as a healthy diet and/or exercise) I say "Tell Everyone"! Make it known you are making these changes, and elicit their support.

However, if you don't think you will get the support you need from the top five people you spend the most time with, then you may want to keep yoru cards close to your vest!

For more on The Four of Cups, check out my COTD article from:
December 12th, 2020 COTD & Numerology

...Also, If you haven't already done so, be sure to check out our:
21 Ways to Create a GREAT Year in 2021!

Bright Blessings,
~ Dax

Do you have Life Questions? Need some Insight? During our Holiday Sale you can Book a Private Tarot & Life Coaching Session with me for Just $67! (reg. $97) ...Which includes your Full Custom Numerology Chart & Report! ...Visit my Page at:

Check out our other Holiday Sale offerings, including our Tarot & Numerology Course, and Membership, including your CTR - Tarot Reader Certification!

Visit here: Holiday Sale


Check out our radio Show from the 19th, when I and my Co-Host Mary Brown discussed our COTD:
Radio Saturday December 19th


Dax is the Founder & President of The Tarot Guild (Now in Our *19th Year!), and the creator of the Tarot by The Numbers™ Course! He's is also the Co-Host of the "Tarot Today LIVE!" Video Stream & Psychic Talk Radio Simulcast, with Mary Brown - Airing Saturdays! ...Over the past 30+ years, Dax has helped literally tens of thousands of Clients as a Tarot Advisor, Numerologist, Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

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