Merry (day after) Christmas! I hope you are yours were Safe and a wonderful time yesterday! We had a quiet little Christmas, with great food and movies, "Greyhound" and "Wonder Woman 1984". In "Greyhound", Tom Hanks was ....well, "Tom Hanks"; how can you go wrong??

The great thing about that movie was, unlike many other sprawling WWII movies, because this one was about one Atlantic crossing, and mostly one ship & crew's experience, you really felt like you were there! The cinematography also contributed to this - You could really Feel the Cold and the Ocean!

"Wonder Woman 1984" was a nice escape. It was nostalgic for me, and Fun to be back in the 1980's! Afterwards I realized that there were no truly Evil protagonists in it! Instead of Evil AI's, creatures, aliens, gods, etc. that permeate the typical superhero movie, even The Big Baddies were just regular humans, initially, with human failings, hangups and fears!

My big Takeaway, hopefully without spoiling anything for those that haven't seen it, was that the big message is Everyone is Redeemable! I felt this was a perfect message for Christmas Day! It's the message of The Devil card, which we explored when it was the COTD on the 18th.

Evil has no real power. It's manifested from our own Fears. All we need do is slip those chains off, from around our neck, and dissolve our Attachments and Fears...

COTD = The Hierophant
DATE = 12-26-2020 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6 
DAY = 26 = 2 + 6 = 8

8344198274?profile=RESIZE_400xThe DATE today is the 6-Energy. So we are continuing, this Day after Christmas, Hearth & Home! The focus remains on family, friends, nurturing, balance, and comfort. 

The DAY today is the 8-Energy ....Abundance! Hopefully you are ALL feeling quite abundant today, the Day after Christmas! We have a lot to feel abundant about. Of course, there is always the potential for the other-side of the 8-Energy, the lack. If you feel yourself dwelling on this, it's time to Shift Your Focus!

Take out a piece of paper and start writing down your blessings. We all have a lot to be grateful for. This will allow you to see the true Abundance already your Life! Especially focus, in this Season, on Home, Family, and Friends. There's a lot of Abundance there!

If you still aren't feeling it, then be Proactive! Make your own Abundance! 2021 is right around the corner, and you can make it a Great Year, full of success and properity! Be sure to check out our: 21 Ways to Create a GREAT Year in 2021! ...This will get you started in the right direction!

The Tarot Card of The Day is The Hierophant! Which represents tradition and ritual. What Christmas traditions do you and your family have? Maybe it's even time to make some new ones? The Hierophant is Card 5 of The Major Arcana .....It's the Number of the Adventurer (are you playing with that PS5 you just got for Xmas!? LOL), and of Change and High-Energy

The Hierophant wears three layers of robes, one red (passion), one white (purity), and also a blue one (peace). He raises his hand in a blessing, two fingers pointing to Heaven and two pointing to the Earth. He wears the triple crown of the pope, and the Papal Cross, a triple sceptre ...All of these represent the Three Worlds of the Material, Consciousness, and Spiritual, as well as the Subconscious, Conscious and Super Conscious.

Before him are two crossed key, representing only he can unlock the mysteries. He is the bearer of knowledge and wisdom. Two acolytes or priests, followers, knee before him, to receive this knowledge. One wears roses & the other lillies - the union of flesh and spirit.

Like The High Priestess, he has two pillars flanking him, with himself as the third pillar, representing The Tree of Life. They are very different however, with one of The High Priestess' pillars being black, and the other white, showing the Duality that makes up the physical Universe. She guards the secret esoteric knowledge, whereas The Hierophant (The Pope in older Tarot decks) offers the traditional. Yet they are two sides of the same coin.

Bright Blessings, and Merry Christmas!
~ Dax

...If you haven't already done so, be sure to check out our:
21 Ways to Create a GREAT Year in 2021!

Do you have Life Questions? Need some Insight? During our Holiday Sale you can Book a Private Tarot & Life Coaching Session with me for Just $67! (reg. $97) ...Which includes your Full Custom Numerology Chart & Report! ...Visit my Page at:

Check out our other Holiday Sale offerings, including our Tarot & Numerology Course, and Membership, including your CTR - Tarot Reader Certification!

Visit here: Holiday Sale


Check out our radio Show from the 19th, when I and my Co-Host Mary Brown discussed our COTD:
Radio Saturday December 19th


Dax is the Founder & President of The Tarot Guild (Now in Our *19th Year!), and the creator of the Tarot by The Numbers™ Course! He's is also the Co-Host of the "Tarot Today LIVE!" Video Stream & Psychic Talk Radio Simulcast, with Mary Brown - Airing Saturdays! ...Over the past 30+ years, Dax has helped literally tens of thousands of Clients as a Tarot Advisor, Numerologist, Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

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