
Friday the 13th! Every year has at least one. There can be up to three, but this year there is only one. Even here in the 21st Century, some folks acually still have "Friggatriskaidekaphobia".... 🤔😲 A morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th! ....Say THAT fives times fast! 😆

The phobia name comes from "Frigga", the Norse goddess for whom “Friday” is named, and "triskaidekaphobia" meaning fear of the number thirteen. But of course, as a Numerologist, I can tell you 13 just reduces to the Four-Vibration! (13 = 1 + 3 = 4)

Four is a Number of Focus. It is about Foundations and Structure. It's loyalty and commitment. Service-oriented. Four is quite practical and rational, which leads to wise decisions and the development of solid plans!

On the negative side, Four can be a bit dogmatic, dull (all work and no play), and rigid. But there's nothing "Evil" here. In fact, fear of Friday the 13th is wholly cultural, like most superstitions and beliefs. Actually, in some cultures, it's concidered a "Lucky Number"!

In Western culture, Friday the 13th can be thought of as our longest-running "meme" 😆 LOL....! Check this out for some more fun reading: A Meme disguised as a Superstition

The full DATE today reduces to the Eight-Vibration of Abundance & Prosperity! (double-four!) ...and, in fact, two of the Tarot Cards that showed up today are 8-Energy cards as well...! Abundance is Infinite! ("8" on it's side IS the Infinity Symbol  after all!)

The River of Life is an endless Buffet of Experience! It's like the sushi buffet in my banner image (above), with hundreds of choices to sample! Okay, maybe sushi isn't "your thing", but you get the idea! ☕💜😎

I often say "Change is the ONE constant in The Universe!", and Experience is it's byproduct. But perhaps Experience is the true constant! It's why The Universe, and We, are here!

The Eight of Swords returns, from Yesterday's Daily Reading, but now it's the "Central Focus" card. We get trapped by our own Thoughts & Ideas (swords - The Air Element). For some, a Buffet is too much. Too many choices, leading to indecision. We believe there should be One Goal to Life, and we have One Purpose while we are here....

"What is My Life Purpose?" has become one of the most frequent questions we hear these days....

Not to burst anyone's bubble, but if there is a Goal to Life, it's "Experience", which (as we just saw) is Infinite! ....Likewise, we don't come here with a single "Purpose". There is always more than one! ..and WE get to choose!

Oh Yes! ...They are already typing out the hate-emails! 😆 What do you MEAN there's no "Life Purpose"? I have a whole "Life Purpose" Tarot Spread!  What about the "life contracts" we sign before we incarnate? 🤯😲 ....Hogwash! 🤪 Here's the Truth:

The closest we come to a single purpose is revealed in the two cards, "bookending" the Eight of Swords. Here we have the Queen of Pentacles and the Strength card. (Notice the lemniscate  infinity symbol over the figure's head, in Strength.) They seem like two very different cards, but are they?

Both cards have a lot of "yellow", the color of Optimism. On closer inspection, we see that the upper-body of the individuals in both cards lean in the same direction, at the same angle, strongly displaying an essence of Nurturing.

Love is inherent to both cards. In Strength, it's Omnia vincit Amor, "Love conquers All". In the Queen of Pentacles (coins), she holds her pentacle like a baby - Mother's Love, the ultimate expression of Love.

If there was ONE purpose in our Lives, it would be Loving and Nuturing our fellow humans! 💜😎 ....but again the Forms this expression can take are Limitless!

Thinking we have to "figure out" what our "one purpose in life" is leads to us into the position of the Eight of Swords. But knowing we have a Choice frees us! ....and Yes, there are "strengths and weakness", as well as "tendencies and potentials", which are revealed in our Numerology Charts.

This can definitely give us some direction! The Numerology Chart shows us the Number-Vibrations. ...But the choices are ultimately up to us! We are already in vibrational-resonance with these Choices. They are the things that we are passionate about, that make our eyes light up, and our hearts sing! 😍

Yes! ....It's THAT simple. We already know in our "gut" (intuition) what these are. The Secret is to "choose" and Focus on one (the 4-Energy today). This will free you from the Eight of Swords bind.... 

You will then make progress forward, leading to success! You can then also "choose" additional "purposes", along the way! If you examine the lives of highly-successful people, you will find out, even if they are known (are famous) for one "thing", that they actually have many interests and "purposes"!

Jeff Bezos started an online bookstore! His "purpose" was to sell books to the masses online. But this lead to selling nearly "everything" online, and faster, easier, and cheaper.... revolutionizing dozens and dozens of industries along the way, and creating new ones!

He also "chose" the "purpose" of providing streaming entertainment, online publishing of books, massive secure data storage, web services, Artifical Intelligence research, and Blue Origin - designed to serve the burgeoning market for space tourism....

Elon Musk created PayPal. His "purpose" was to provide safe, secure and easy payments online. This lead to electric cars, battery development and advances, private commercial space cargo transport, space exploration, mind-computer interface, and a host of other "purposes" we haven't even heard of!

It's true most of us won't choose the "life purpose" to create so much innovation and become a billionaire, but the point here is We DO Have Choice! 💜😎☕

(The Card Images are from The Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck...)

Bright Blessings!
~ Dax



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Dax is the Founder & President of The Tarot Guild (Now in Our *19th Year!), and the creator of the Tarot by The Numbers™ Course! He's is also the Co-Host of the "Tarot Today LIVE!" Video Stream & Psychic Talk Radio Simulcast, with Mary Brown - Airing Saturdays! ...Over the past 30+ years, Dax has helped literally tens of thousands of Clients as a Tarot Advisor, Numerologist, Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

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