
 TGIF! ....TGIF!! 😎 🤩 🥳  YAY! .....LOL ....No, but seriously, is Friday and "The Weekend" even a "thing" anymore? I mean, in the era of COVID? Aren't folks working from home? ...We ARE a 24/7 economy, and have been for years, as well.

....I supposed it is still "a thing" for many though. Of course, I wouldn't know. Fridays, the weekend, holidays.... It's all just another "day" to me! 

Yup! I'm one of those 7-days-a-week kinda business people. It's been like 17 years since I had a "OMG - It's Friday!" moment. 🤔🤯 But it IS important to know when to "take a break", especially when you're an entrepreneur....

"All work and no play..." is how the old saying went! Sometimes it's also the Best thing you CAN do! Non-stop work doesn't equal more productivity. In fact, it can be a detriment. We occasionally need a "re-set"!

With the Nine of Swords showing up, it looks like you've had some worries of late. Swords in Tarot are Thoughts & Ideas, the Air Element, and nine is a LOT of them! Are you over-thinking things? 🧐 

Nine is also about Endings, and with the Three of Cups showing up, right after it, perhaps you have already had a break through! If not, then the Three of Cups could be suggesting that it's time for a "break" and to "get your party on"! 😎 🤩 🥳

The 20th today reduces to the Two-Vibration, which is about Relationships... And especially with the whole DATE reducing to the Six-Vibration, family, home, harmony, nurturing - It's a great day to spend with your significant other, family, friends... Even a gathering with co-workers!

With the "Delta Variant" spreading like wild-fire in many areas, perhaps a large, or even in-person, gathering is not a good idea... Or even possible right now, in some locations..... 🤔

 But thanks to modern technology, we don't have to be "in-person" to hang out with folks! Everyone is just a Skype, Facebook or Zoom video teleconference away! ....And it doesn't have to be family and friends! Hangout with some like-minded people!

Gather folks together and pop on a Zoom together! Check out Facebook and YouTube LIVES that are going on! Whatever your interest(s), there is a group or channel somewhere! ...And with that 3-Energy from the Three of Cups, Get Creative! 

Get out of your mind and into your heart for a while! It's an "emotional re-set", but also you're clearing your mind, so new ideas and solutions can come in!

The King of Cups has mastered his emotions, and he suggests you will be become emotionally stable and ultimately fulfilled! 🤩😍

The King of Cups is also a source of comfort and wise counsel. Meet up with, or get on a video conference with, such a person!

If you find yourself slipping back into that "Nine of Swords" feeling, try shifting your kinesthesiology. When we have emotions, they shift our facial expressions (like frowning) and body positions (like slouching), etc. But it works both ways!

When you feel negative emotions, notice how you are positioned. Are you sitting? Stand up. Standing? Sit down. Roll your shoulders back, chest out, chin UP, put a smile on your face! 

Shifting your physicality shifts your emotions! You can't feel bad with a smile on your face and your body positioned, as above! .....Add shifting your location to this. If you're in a large room, move to another part, or to a different room, or take a walk outside.

Not feeling Confident? Try the Superman / Wonder Woman pose! Stand up, feet spaced slightly wider than your shoulders, head up, smile, shoulders back, chest out, fists on your hips! ...and The "Rocky" Pose😉

(The Card Images are from The Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck...) 

Bright Blessings! 💜😎☕

~ Dax



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Dax is the Founder & President of The Tarot Guild (Now in Our *19th Year!), and the creator of the Tarot by The Numbers™ Course! He's is also the Co-Host of the "Tarot Today LIVE!" Video Stream & Psychic Talk Radio Simulcast, with Mary Brown - Airing Saturdays! ...Over the past 30+ years, Dax has helped literally tens of thousands of Clients as a Tarot Advisor, Numerologist, Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

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