
It's September already! ....With a new month, and especially the 1st bringing in that One-Energy, comes New Opportunities and New Beginnings!

Yesterday the War in Afghanistan came to an End, and it's a new beginning for a lot of people, and America itself. As a U.S. Military Veteran, I am glad to see America's longest war finally come to an end!

The Lovers card, although associated with romance, love, meaningful relationships, honor, trust, union, optimism and harmony, was also originally about choices...

It's much harder to end a war, than to start one! The majority of veterans know this, and wanted the war to be over. We know the true "cost" of these endless wars, beyond the $300 million per day, and $2-Trillion+ total monetary cost!

Twenty years is insane. Four Presidents had the opportunity to, and discussed ending the war, but only one made the hard  choice!

The Lovers card brings with it the Six-Vibration, as does the DATE today. The 6-Energy is The Nurturer! Six is a return to Harmony and Balance, after the Changes (and possible Chaos) of the Number Five.

Wow! Now if that doesn't fit this situation! ...The Lovers is also about Hearth & HomeLoveFamily., and also Success!

This Energy, along with the Two-Vibration coming in from The High Priestess, is about coming together, partnerships, mediation, cooperation, diplomacy, teamwork, helping and caring...

This is where our focus should be now. As soon as I saw The High Priestess in today's Reading, which also represents the Divine Feminine, virtues, wisdom and knowledge, I saw "Lady Liberty"! 

She is flanked by a black column on one side, and a white column on the other, representing the divisions in our society. But there she sits, "The Truth", in the center! The scroll in her arms, "The Constitution"!

There are forces trying to divide us, when we should be coming together! The Truth is, along with a majority of veterans, the vast majority of Americans also support this decision. It's only a small minority that support "Forever Wars", who usually stand to gain financially.

The Eight of Cups shows the aftermath well, and what we need to do. We have put our affairs in order, and put behind us the past, so we can now move onward and upward!

Cups represent our emotions, and this is all certainly emotionally charged, but we need to put our baggage behind us, and let go. Notice the arrangement of cups, it's as if one is missing.

This I see as symbolizing the countless lives, military and civilian alike, that were lost, the sacrifice, and those left behind. But Eight (8) is the Number of Abundance

We just completed the largest airlift in our history! I choose to focus on the eight cups we have! .......A new Day is Dawning!

Bright Blessings! 💜 😎 ☕
~ Dax



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Dax is the Founder & President of The Tarot Guild (Now in Our *19th Year!), and the creator of the Tarot by The Numbers™ Course! He's is also the Co-Host of the "Tarot Today LIVE!" Video Stream & Psychic Talk Radio Simulcast, with Mary Brown - Airing Saturdays! ...Over the past 30+ years, Dax has helped literally tens of thousands of Clients as a Tarot Advisor, Numerologist, Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

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