
I'm sitting out here, on my patio, and it's all overcast... Looks like rain! But I love it! ....I do live in the desert, after all! ...Plus I have my coffee 😎 ☕, so I am ALL set! .....Great day for a latte!  😉  

.....and what do we have here?! ....The Hanged Man and the Five of Wands. Ouch! ...That doesn't look too promising! But first, let's take a look at the Numerology today...

The DATE reduces to the One-Vibration. The 1-Energy emodies The Self, individuality, inventiveness, leadership, determination, creativity... and New Beginnings!

One (1) also represents The Sun. Before it's final reduction, we get "19" and "10". (9+23+2021 = 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1) Card #19 is The Sun, and Ten (10) is that hair's breadth moment between the End of something and a New Beginning!

Things are looking up already! The DAY today reduces to the Five-Vibration (23 = 2 + 3 = 5). The 5-Energy brings Change and High-Energy in. It can quickly devolve into Chaos, which is what the Five of Wands looks to be showing us!

But let's look a bit closer. Five individuals each hold aloft a large "pole" (wand) in an open field. At first glance, it looks like a "battle", and this card can mean rivalry, competition, legal battles, and courage in a time of struggle....

But it can also mean creative struggle and working in a group. Are they in battle with each other, or trying to build something? It almost looks like they are having a difficult time putting up the poles for a large tent! ...LOL 😉 

Ah, MEN! Always trying to put something together, without looking at the instructions... Right ladies!!?? 😉 ...Whatever it is they are doing, there looks like there is a "delay" with The Hanged Man coming in.

The Hanged Man often indicates a "delay", or pausing to reflect. Also, adaptability to Change (there's that 5-Energy), as well as Transformation!

This is Card #12 which reduces to the Three-Vibration (12 = 1 + 2 = 3) of Communication and Creativity. Remember, the figure in the card has not "been hung", he has hanged "himself" upside down, to get a different perspective!

It looks like that is just what's called for here. When working with a group on a project today, be mindful in your communications with them, and tap into your Creativity, moving forward!

Use this delay in the project to take time to reflect. What can be changed? What could be done differently? With the 1-Energy today, be sure you don't lose your individual perspective, but then collaborate with your team...

With that 5-Energy and the Five of Wands, you may be a bit feisty today. When working with others, and even family and friends, there's going to be differences in opinion...

Today, watch your communications and try to "keep it light". Listen before you speak, and think things through. Don't hold on to the need to always "be right"!

(The Card Images are from the Radiant Tarot Deck)

Bright Blessings!
~ Dax  💜 😎 ☕



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Dax is the Founder & President of The Tarot Guild (Now in Our *19th Year!), and the creator of the Tarot by The Numbers™ Course! He's is also the Co-Host of the "Tarot Today LIVE!" Video Stream & Psychic Talk Radio Simulcast, with Mary Brown - Airing Saturdays! ...Over the past 30+ years, Dax has helped literally tens of thousands of Clients as a Tarot Advisor, Numerologist, Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

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