
Once again! ....Better Late than Never! ....Another l_o_n_g morning - Oil Changes and Errands!

Today, the entire Date reduces to the Eight-Vibration (07232021 = 17 = 1 + 7 = 8) ...Eight is Prosperity! ...Abundance, Self-Confidence, Strength, Financial Success, Social Status, Power and Ego....

The DAY today reduces to the Five-Vibration (23 = 2 + 3 = 5)... High-Energy, Adventure and Change!

.....In The Spread of The Day, the "Central Focus" card is the Ten of Wands. Ten reduces to the One-Energy of New Beginnings, Opportunity and Confidence! (10 = 1 + 0 = 1)

....But are you feeling "weighed-down"? .....Burdens, heavy responsibilities? ...Multitasking? ...Leading perhaps to Stress, Overworking and Overwhelm? This blocks a lot of people's success.

Often we think "doing more" leads to "more", a more prosperous outcome. This isn't always true... And from a Law of Attracton point of view, it's rarely or never true! Instead Focusing on ONE thing is what LOA teaches....

With all of these Pentacles and Wands Cards, it's apparent we are talking about your Career here, your Business, or a Project (especially one you are working on with others - Three of Wands). 

The Spread begins with two 7-Cards.... A time of reflection and re-evaluation. The Seven of Cups could be indicating too many choices... Or that you are steeped in Illusions and Fantasy about the situation.

The Seven of Pentacles indicates a pause in the action. Review, assessment, "weeding", purging, and the removal of obstacles.

The High-Energy, from the Five-Vibration today, may make you want to take on even more, but resist! Have patience, and take the time to evaluate the situation.....

Separate Fact from Fantasy. Have a realistic, grounded view on your business, or a particular project. Ask yourself the hard questions....

If you are overburdened with too many tasks, ask yourself "what can I delegate?" Get clear on your GOAL! Make the hard choices.

One difference between highly-successful people, and the other "99%", is they make decisions (choices), and they make them FAST!! Once you do that (and get past the Seven of Cups) you'll have a clear path forward...

You probably have "too many irons in the fire". Delegate what you can, and put the rest on the back burner for later. Then you will have Focus, and can "get down to work" - The Eight of PentaclesEight is "Abundance" (as with the Date-Energy today), and your efforts will then be fruitful - The Three of Wands

I want to point out the Three of Wands is in your future. Another aspect of this card is "assessment", similar to the Seven of Pentacles. Know when to take a break, and pre-plan out periodic reviews....

This gives you an opportunity to bring in "Gratitude" and celebrate your successes along the way. As well as the chance to re-assess, make adjustments, and Re-Focus as you move forward!

(The Card Images are from The Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck)

Bright Blessings!
~ Dax



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Dax is the Founder & President of The Tarot Guild (Now in Our *19th Year!), and the creator of the Tarot by The Numbers™ Course! He's is also the Co-Host of the "Tarot Today LIVE!" Video Stream & Psychic Talk Radio Simulcast, with Mary Brown - Airing Saturdays! ...Over the past 30+ years, Dax has helped literally tens of thousands of Clients as a Tarot Advisor, Numerologist, Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

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