prosperity (13)

Yes, we've all heard it before: "The Rich are selfish", "less compassionate", even "mean". Just a quick Google search will reveal some 22,100,000 results, with articles and studies telling us these things...

....but, as with so many perceptions, actu

The Tarot Card of The Day (COTD) for Thursday, March 18th, 2021 is The Page of Pentacles ...The Day-Energy is "9" (part of the Creativity Numbers Group (3, 6, 9), and the Date-Energy is "8" (part of the Business Numbers Group 2, 4, 8). The Pages are

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Susan Brady is now a member of The Tarot Guild
Stéphanie Devere and Dax Carlisle are now friends
Apr 10
Stéphanie Devere is now a member of The Tarot Guild
Apr 9
Daniel W Metheny posted a status
psychic cafe will be at a special time this evening, come join us
Mar 27