tarot card of the day (47)

Yes, we've all heard it before: "The Rich are selfish", "less compassionate", even "mean". Just a quick Google search will reveal some 22,100,000 results, with articles and studies telling us these things...

....but, as with so many perceptions, actu

Dax's Daily Dose of Tarot and Numerology!

Our Tarot Card of The Day (COTD), The Strength Card, brings with it the Eight-Vibration!  ...Eight is from the Business Sub-Group of Numbers 24 and 8.

It's the Number of Abundance & Prosperity, and symboli

Dax's Daily Dose of Tarot and Numerology!

The World Year Number for 2021 is Five (5). It's about Change, Adventure and High-Energy. We spoke of the changes you are making in your Life, in 2021, on yesterday's COTD Post. Our Tarot Card of The Day (COT

Dax's Daily Dose of Tarot and Numerology!

Today we are continuing that 7-Energy from yesterday, and the theme of Communication, plus adding in some Creativity!

So here we are at the end of April already! Four months into 2021. Hopefully you've been

Dax's Daily Dose of Tarot and Numerology!

Today is a Day to re-evaluate and assess your Relationships! Take a step back and be objective. Pay special attention to your Communication in your Relationships. What changes could be made? How can you impro

Dax's Daily Dose of Tarot and Numerology!

Today both the DAY (27 = 2+7 = 9) and the whole DATE (4+2+7+2+2+1 = 18 = 1+8 = 9) reduce to the "9" Vibration. Nine is from the Creativity Numbers Sub-Group 3, 6 and 9.

Nine is the End of the 9-Number Cycle. 

Dax's Daily Dose of Tarot and Numerology!

Today both the DAY (19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1) and the whole DATE (4+1+9+2+2+1 = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1) reduce to the "1" Vibration. One is from the Mind Numbers Sub-Group 1, 5 and 7.

One is about New Beginni

Dax's Daily Dose of Tarot and Numerology!

Today both the DAY-Energy (12 = 1+2 = 3) and the whole DATE-Energy (4+1+2+2+2+1 = 12 = 1+2 = 3) reduce to the "3" Vibration. Three is from the Creativity & Communication Sub-Group of Numbers 3, 6 and 9.


Dax's Daily Dose of Tarot and Numerology!

Today both the DAY-Energy (11 = 1+1 = 2) and the whole DATE-Energy (4+1+1+2+2+1 = 11 = 1+1 = 2) reduce to the "2" Vibration. Two is from the Business Sub-Group of Numbers 2, 4 and 8.

It's the Number of Relat

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마고타로 is now a member of The Tarot Guild
Francine Lopomo is now a member of The Tarot Guild
May 10
Susan Brady is now a member of The Tarot Guild
Apr 22
Stéphanie Devere and Dax Carlisle are now friends
Apr 10