Kathleen Lamoureux is a Spiritual Advisor and a professional Numerologist who has devoted over 25 years to the study of numerology, tarot and astrology. Anyone who meets her usually gets their numbers read and always are amazed at the accuracy. She follows all universal energy and believes that the vibration of numbers impact the universe and its inhabitants positively and negatively on a daily basis. She believes that no one escapes the universal energies because they are evidenced in real-life situations for good such as getting married, having a baby, celebrating a milestone, a movie or book release, getting a promotion, getting a raise, or being accepted to college for example; or for bad such as losing a job, financial problems, mid-life crisis, divorce, stock market tumbles, riots or wars. All events coincide with a certain number vibration that are felt positively or negatively. In her readings Kathleen shows you how to use your own numbers positively to incorporate them into your life for success strategies. Kathleen accesses her intuition during her readings, but approaches it with a practical and common sense attitude so that you understand immediately what she is conveying.

Kathleen also uses the Tarot cards in association with a particular number when she does her video posts because it helps with the visualation process. She primarily uses either the Gilded Tarot Deck  by Ciro Marchetti because of their beautiful and magical images or the Radiant Rider-waite Tarot Deck for the more traditional images.

Kathleen posts daily at her Instagram and Twitter accounts. She also has a YouTube Channel and a blog!

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Kathleen Lamoureux posted a status
February is an 8 universal month so it's going to be a strong powerful month. The vibration of 8…
Jan 30, 2022
Kathleen Lamoureux left a comment for Kathleen Lamoureux
"Thank you Dax. I follow you on Twitter which is how I found you and your posts led me here. I am…"
Aug 1, 2021
Kathleen Lamoureux is now a member of The Tarot Guild
Jul 31, 2021

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Susan Brady is now a member of The Tarot Guild
Apr 22
Stéphanie Devere and Dax Carlisle are now friends
Apr 10
Stéphanie Devere is now a member of The Tarot Guild
Apr 9
Daniel W Metheny posted a status
psychic cafe will be at a special time this evening, come join us

Mar 27